WAMU - Internet-Datenverkehr abgehört???

At&t may have an enormous amount of information to hide.
seems that at&t is also in the business of spying on internet traffic, and storing this data , one special niche company that is utilized by business men and law enforcement is backed by none other than jp Morgan.
Conjecture and speculation that jpm used this to spy on WAMU, also that att more than likely has stored or hidden records of FDIC, jpm, and, WAMU internet communications.

Read about it from 2006





Jpig funds Narus
Jpig sits on Narus BOD
Narus monitors internet communication thru at&t

At&t stores the info that Narus collects

AT&T wants discovery protection in WAMU case
Wonder why?

I no longer think this is about at&t rates or contract numbers
There is serious ramifications to both FDIC and jpig form the at&t information that is being protected.


I don't recall at&t asking for specific items to be protected form discovery. But as I remember they were asking for protection from discovery in general, based on those specific items.

Not semantics, but there is a diffference between those two.
One way is: ask us anything except this and that. The other is : you can't ask us anything because we might have to say something about this and that.

I try my hardest to keep up, but I may have missed it.

Based on the NARUS info linked in my two previous posts, jpm is tied systematically and deeply to a company that specializes in electronic transmission eavesdropping thru and with support of AT&T. At&t provides narus the direct access to the internet backbone and at&t provides storage for the info Narus monitors.

These guys that jpm funds and sits on (read owns) Narus, are elite specialists at what they do, espionage, so much so that Narus provides services to other US entities as well as the CIA, FBI, DOD, local law enforcement and the NSA.

It stands on its own that Narus would be intercepting and monitoring communications during a global financial meltdown from many parties. At&t recorded this info for Narus.
Do those parties include the FDIC, SEC, major brokerage firms, investment banks, Federal Reserve ? Did jpm have its very own spy company lift info from WAMU for years, I don't know but I can tell you without any doubt who does know! AT&T knows, NARUS and its BOD (JPM) knows.
At&t very well may be a creditor of WAMU wanting to get paid, but it does not simply end there. IMO!

Meine Ergänzungen:


Kurzfassung: Narus ist eine Hochspezialisiertes Unternehmen, dass sich mit Monitoring von Internetdaten befasst und diese semantisch, also auf bestimmte Worte, untersucht die in ein bestimmtes Raster fallen wie z.B. Drogen, Bombe usw.. Dazu verwendet NARUS ein Supercomputersystem, das normalerweise von der NSA genutzt wird und ´hat diesen Computer direkt bei AT & T angeschlossen.

It is notable for being the creator of NarusInsight, a supercomputer system which is allegedly used by the NSA and other bodies to perform mass surveillance and monitoring of citizens' and corporations' Internet communications in real-time, and whose installation in AT&T's San Francisco Internet backbone gave rise to a 2006 class action lawsuit by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against AT&T, Hepting v. AT&T.[2]

und jetzt wird es spannend:

Im BOD von NARUS sitzt nicht nur ein ehemaliger NSA Deputy Director, sondern auch, wen mag es nur wundern, ein Partner von JP Morgan:

Shahan D. Soghikian, JP Morgan Partners
Shahan D. Soghikian is a Partner of JPMorgan Partners, the private equity investment arm of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., where he has been employed since 1990. Shahan has been based in San Francisco since 1998 and is in charge of JPMP's west coast investment activities. In addition to his management role, he is involved principally with investments in the communication services and infrastructure sectors. Between 1994-1998, Shahan was responsible for developing and managing JPMP's European team and was based in London. Prior to joining JPMorgan Partners in 1990, Shahan was a member of the mergers and acquisitions groups of Bankers Trust and Prudential Securities, Inc. He currently serves as a director of AppVentures, Axentis, Complient, Nextec Applications, Inc., Ninth House Network, Coactive Networks, fusionOne, and Kinko's and is on the Advisory Board of Broadview Capital Partners.


Never-again von ihub spekuliert darüber, ob JPMC mit hilfe von NARUS die Kommunikation überwacht hat und damit Daten gesammelt hat, die es ermöglichten WaMu zu übernehmen!

Jetzt mal ein kleiner Blick zurück, auf die Verstrickungen von Politik und Wirtschaft, die ich versucht habe historisch zu erklären.
JPMC hat nicht nur beste Kontakte zu den uns allen im WaMU case bekannten Politikern, sondern auch einen direkten "Draht" zur NSA und zu einem ausgereiften Spionagesystem; eben NARUS!

JPMC wäre nicht JPMC, wenn sie nicht JEDES Mittel zu Informationsbeschaffung ausnutzen würden und was liegt da näher, als mal schnell bei Onkel Shahan D. Soghikian, JP Morgan Partners anzurufen und die Suchraster auf die WaMU Kommunikation zu fokussieren und entsprechende Suchraster einzurichten!

Strategische Übernahme mit allen verfügbaren Mitteln ist völlig normal in dem schmutzigen Business und mit den Möglichkeiten von NARUS unkompliziert umzusetzen!

Und jetzt soll bloss keiner sagen: Das dürfen "Die" doch gar nicht!

Man möge sich den kleinen Nebensatz mal genüsslich auf der Zunge zergehen lassen:

Shahan has been based in San Francisco since 1998 and is in charge of JPMP's west coast investment activities.

Susman Rechnung mit freundlicher Unterstützung von sisipisi:


seite 31, 32 usw interessant

sussmann, nelson usw. haben also doch mit solomon kommuniziert, wer weis worüber...

vielleicht über zahlen? über 30 mrd?

Seite 34:
Conferring with Maxwell at Solomon re presentation on financial situation  (gekürzt)

Seite 45:
Reviewing Quinn Emmanuel hot documents!


So, nun darf spekuliert werden….
